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Search Tips

·         ISBN/ISSN:

o    The best way to find the exact work you are looking for.

o    The search accepts either ISBN-10 or ISBN-13.


·         Keyword Searching:

o    The most general method of searching. Keywords can be entered at any order.

o    Searches are not case sensitive.

o    Search via publication title; do not search for an article title.


·         Boolean Operators:

o    And (&): If you put an ‘&’ operator between two search terms, it will return results including both terms.

§  Ex.: Mathematics & “grade 8”

o    Or (|): If you put an ‘|’ operator between two search terms, it will return results having the first or the second term.

§  Ex.: “financial crisis” | “social science”

o    Not (-): If you put a ‘-’ operator in front of any search term, it will exclude the term from your search.

§  Ex.: “William Shakespeare” - Macbeth


·         Exact Phrases (“ ”):

o    If you put double quotation marks around a phrase, it will return results containing the exact search phrase within the quotes.

§  Ex.: “Canada in a North American perspective : focus on ideas”


·         Wildcard (%):

o    Wildcard can be used to substitute a character or string of characters.

§  Ex.: child% will return results with a string of characters after the search term, like “children” and “childbirth”.